07 November 2007

Daily Log: Wednesday 6 Nov. 07

1/2 Panera multigrain bagel: 3
thin spread of reduced-fat, sundried tomato cream cheese: 1 (4)

1/2 roast chicken (white meat only) sandwich: 3 (7)
spinach salad with hummus: 3 (10)
1/2 bag Baked Lays: 1 (11)
1 bite chocolate chunk cookie: 1 (12)

small banana: 1 (13)

low-carb, whole-wheat tortilla: 1 (14)
veggie burrito filling with black beans, corn, barley, and spicy tomatoes: 2 (16)
salad with tofu/miso/carrot dressing: 1 (17)
made-up "apple crisp" (Trader Joe's Ginger Cats' Cookies, a dollop of cinnamon applesauce, and a dollop of lowfat Coolwhip): 3 (20)

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