13 November 2007

Daily Log: Tuesday 13 Nov. 07

Took yesterday off from counting, too. It was too hard with my dad here and lots of eating out and celebrating, including an early birthday party for him last night that involved chocolate lava cake. MMM. But I'm back on track today.

1/2 Panera bagel w/a bit of lowfat cream cheese: 5
coffee, black: 0 (5)

rice cakes: 1 (6)

veggie soup w/barley: 2 (8)
toast w/1 wedge Laughing Cow Light: 2 (10)

I was at a moms of twins meeting and ate snack food for dinner. Guessing on how to count this.
2 small glasses of wine: 4 (14)
chips: 3 (17)
2 thin slices French bread with cheese: 3 (20)
popcorn: 3 (23)
mini cheesecake: 5 (28)

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